Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

I seriously cannot believe I am leaving tomorrow for Dublin! It felt so far away. I am really excited and a little nervous. Last time I studied abroad it was with friends and I kinda had a better idea of what to expect. This time, I will be traveling by myself, and must try to find my way to my new place. Luckily everyone there speaks English (or their version of it!)

It will definitely be weird not being at Pepperdine, knowing that all this stuff is going to go on while I'm gone, but I know I will have an awesome time!

I spent today just hanging out with family, my little niece in particular who is so cute, I could die! I'll be sad not to see her grow up for the next three months, but my sis promised to post pics and videos so I can see little Alexis! She slept during most of my visit with her today, I really wanted to wake her up, but Can wouldn't let me.

So as of tomorrow afternoon, I will be off to Dublin to spend the next three months living, studying (hopefully not too much), drinking and having a fun time!! Cannot wait!! But...I will really miss everyone back home! Email me and let me know how you're all doing. I will be on Skype, once I figure it all out.

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