Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ireland at a Glance

So I have been here for about a week now and here are a few Ireland observations:
  • Irish people are generally nice and friendly (especially to lost Americans trying to find their way through the city)
  • The DART (train) is awesome and makes getting places easy
  • It rains A LOT and can get very windy (an LA umbrella does not stand up to the Ireland weather, have had a lot of umbrella flippage since I've been here)
  • Irish people are very tall (I feel very short) and many are blondes and red heads
  • Irish people walk quickly through the city and most are wearing headphones and listening to music
  • The Irish are very eco-friendly/green, as they charge you for bags in the grocery store and most places have energy conserving appliances.
  • The Irish do drink and can be found at a pub almost every night of the week..and some even sing Irish drinking songs while drinking
  • The Irish uses terms like handy, brillant and grand
  • Ireland is a bit behind the US in terms of technology
I've been surprised at how not necessary "slow" Ireland is, but how behind in technology it is compared to the US. Our apartment is great and is in the new and up coming gasworks building, right next to Google. It has the "fastest" internet you can get in Ireland but is always timing out and not working. Also, we have a washer and dryer at our place, but apparently people here don't dry a lot of their clothes. We found that the few times we did, we had to quickly grab it out of the "dryer" before it filled up with water. It's kinda funny...

Despite this, it has been an awesome week so far.

1 comment:

Anne Lee said...

It sounds amazing so far Rachel!!! And how lucky you are to have Talia.. Your room is too cute for words. I envy you cuz it looks amazing!! Keep up with the posts Rachel! Miss U! xoxoxoxo